May 26th and June 16th Public Hearings

May 26th public hearing. Estes Neighbors made a comprehensive presentation of the housing, stormwater, buffer and flooding issues. They had requested that the public hearing remain open to take in new information during the 2 week lag before the Council decided to vote.  Unfortunately, the Town Council decided to close the hearing.  The law provided 24 hours to get in additional information. Estes Neighbors invited each council member to walk along South Estes to appreciate the flooding issues and the lack of town planning for handling the future development of neighboring properties that are presently not aligned in a coherent plan.


June 16th. The Council agenda item on Aura held lots of surprises.At the start of the meeting Dr Steven Fleck had planned to present a petition to delay the vote.  It was on the Council agenda for several days and I assume no one contacted him in advance about any problem.  However, Michael Parker disallowed it because he said this was business already on the agenda and the public hearing was closed. Normally, the Council makes a determination about whether they want to hear a petition, but the Mayor did not ask, at least on the floor.

During the Aura discussion we learned that:
  • language has been added to the conditions that will ensure we think that management of the 50 – 100 year storm will be handled on site.
  • a promise that a stoplight will be more likely because of conversations with the NC DOT senior oversight board.
  • Council still expressed  a number of concerns in these areas:
    • How sure is the stoplight?
    • Stream damage downstream receiving large amounts of stormwater
    • Little concern expressed by council members about traffic
    • Planting strip for vegetative buffer only 6 feet!!!
  •  A rezoning requires a super majority or a simple majority twice and that was not achieved so Aura permit will be voted on again next week.
  • Council voted that permit was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan  (despite being inconsistent with CW plan)
  • For the permit: vote:
    • In favor:  Amy Ryan, Karen Stegman, Michael Parker, Jess Anderson
    • Opposed:  Hongbin Gu, Allen Buansi, and Pam Hemminger
    • A second vote will be taken June 23

1 Comment

  1. Karen Lazarus

    I feel so sad that Chapel Hill has become so caught up in building multistory buildings with no regard for the traffic problems or flooding issues it causes. From the outside looking into the council one wonders who’s pockets are being lined from this large Texas company. When all signs point to the public being against this AURA PROJECT there has to be a reason. The state refuses to make Estes wider and yet you say you are considering even more projects along this road. Why? I just cannot understand. You are being shortsighted as it’s going to impact all of us who live near and use Estes road. I assume none of you do or you would not vote for this.

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