In general, the cost of serving residential growth has exceeded any increase in revenue.
The most recent study completed for Chapel Hill is the Renkow study found here.
- https://centralwestcitizens.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/5-2012-chapel-hill-cocs-report-copy.pdf
Over the last decade Chapel Hill has seen remarkable growth. We’ve seen more tax increases in the last few years to pay for this growth.
Because the plan is 96.5% residential, it will cost all residents of Chapel Hill increased taxes and guaranteed increased traffic and a decreased quality of life.
Exceeds Central West Small Area Plan residential housing allocation by 2.5 times.
Produces net costs for Town because cost of services fir resudebtuak developement exceeds tax revenues.
COUNTY Residential Commercial
Revenues: Expenditures ratio 0.93 1.19
Revenues: Expenditures ratio .0.98 1.07
This ratio measures the amount of county revenue contributed by a given land use sector for each dollar in public services used by that sector.