Maurice Jones, Town Manager

Chapel Hill, NC
March 8, 2021

Dear Maurice,

We represent neighborhoods in “Estes Neighbors”, a loosely organized advocacy group of 12 neighborhoods, who are concerned about and certain to be affected by the new proposed Aura development at the intersection of Estes Drive and MLK jr. Blvd. Many of the residents now engaged were also involved in the Town’s focus area project called Central West that culminated in the Small Area Plan for the area.

We are writing to request that you delay the review process for the proposed Aura Conditional Use Permit. The Town AURA webpage has just been updated to include Advisory Board review meetings. We object to proceeding with Advisory Board review without fulfilling the requests promised to the residents by the Town Planning staff.  These unaddressed requests are:

1. The public asked these questions at the November 10th information session and the Acting Planning Director promised a response. We’ve received no answers to date. (see file below)

2.  Neighbors asked an additional 14 questions concerning traffic at the Feb 10, 2021 Aura Traffic Public Meeting. No response. (see file below)

3. At the Feb 10 transportation forum hosted by the Town staff, over 80 people attended to learn about the updated traffic impact analysis and Estes Drive and MLKjr Blvd traffic issues. At that time, Chapel Hill planners promised to hold another meeting to present the town wide visual traffic model that will aid everyone in understanding, not only the local traffic impacts of the project, but the impact of other Town developments underway and projects approved in the larger area of town. No date has yet been set.

We request that these Advisory Board meetings be rescheduled until these important elements are completed.  In addition, we request that different advisory board meetings not be held at the same day and time. For example, the current schedule calls for the Transportation and the CDC Boards to meet at the same time. There are also some date errors on the Aura town page.

Thank you for considering this request. If the schedule were to be left to stand as is, we feel strongly that the Town would not be conducting a fair public process for the many affected citizens by this proposal.

Thank you!

Fred Lampe, Coker Hills,

Jill Blackburn, Coker Hills

Diane Bloom, Forest Creek

Betty and Tom Bouldin, Somerset – Huntington

Juan Chang, Coker Woods

Silvia Clements, Coker Hills

Hui Ding, Hong Zhan, Coker Woods

Scott and Lee Ann Buck, Somerset – Huntington

Barbara Dean, Estes Hills

Steve Fleck and Rita May, Mt Bolus

Amy Gladfelter, Mt Bolus

Theresa Raphael-Grimm and Ian S. Grimm, Somerset – Huntington

Jan Hendrickson-Smith, Estes Hills

Tom Henkel, Mt Bolus

Rudy Juliano, Coker Hills

David Kiel and Amey Miller, Lake Forest

Julie McClintock and John Morris,  Coker Hills West

Firoz and Firoza Mistry, Ironwoods

Martha Petty and Mark Weisburd, Hidden Hills

Robert Shumate, Amity UMC

David Sidor, Ironwoods

Melanie Thomas, M.D., Estes Hills

Sandy Turbeville and Glen H. Elder, Jr., Somerset-Huntington

David Tuttle, Estes Hills

Susan W. Whaley, Amity UMC

Xiaodong Wang, Coker Woods


These questions were submitted following the Aura Information Session last November.
November 16.Aura.questions 

These questions were submitted following the Consultant’s presentation of the updated TIA. There was not time for questions.